Actor • Singer
Musician • Voice Over
Check out the song I wrote for Mission to Zyxx, recently released on Streaming platforms!
Credit: Corinne Louie

Dramatic Film Clip
Stage combat Reel
Geralt of Rivia Makes a Mean Pesto
Masterclass: Writing COuntry mUsic
My heart's in the highlands
Voice Over
COmmercial VO DemO Reel

Recently did English dubbbing for the 2nd season of Netflix's Too Hot to Handle: Brazil
Keeps Commercial
Hello there!
I’m a New York based actor, singer, and musician originally from the Chicago suburb of Skokie, IL. (These New York winters are a piece of cake!). I earned a BFA in Music Theatre from Illinois Wesleyan University and since then my acting career has taken me to various regional theaters all around the country performing musicals, Shakespeare, classical American plays, and improv. I'm also a musician who plays guitar, fiddle, and saxophone. I recently collaborated with the comedic, improvised, sci-fi podcast Mission to Zyxx where my song "Sailing for Kroon" is featured in episode "519: The Young Man and the S.E.A."! I also just completed recording a lead voice over role for a major network series soon to be released!

I spend much of my time singing and playing traditional Scottish and Irish music in NYC and it's one of my favorite aspects of the city. Immersing myself in the session scene has allowed me to enjoy great music, staunch friendships, meet some of the world's best trad musicians, and continue to pursue the art of enjoying whiskeys and pints. Slaìnte Mhath!

Production Photos

(Not my dog, but ain't he Great?)